Friday 12 April 2024

The new 43" screen

We needed a large backlit screen to replace the dropdown projector screen - urgently. Although the projector is very good, it can't compete with the sunlight streaming through the skylights at Mildmay Community Centre.

Head & shoulders view of two older women, framing a large TV screen between them. The screen picture is clearly visible in the brightly-lit room.
Left to right: Hardeep, 43" screen, Louise

The new screen is a TV - not a computer monitor, which would not have been bright enough.

It just about fits in the basement cupboard (inside a protective case). On Friday afternoons, we can move it around on the MCC tea trolley.

Verdict so far: excellent use of Good Things Foundation funding. It can be seen by 8-10 people - exactly what we need at Friday afternoon Inclusion Lab.

Our original intention was to buy a refurbished interactive whiteboard - but the minimum 55" size would not fit into the basement cupboard. We have not abandoned that idea, but we would have to move Inclusion Lab to a new venue first.