Wednesday 20 March 2024

CSR employment volunteering at 50+ Digital

Zhané, Hardeep and Charlie - head and shoulders view against a plain white wall.
Zhané, Hardeep & Charlie - 13 March 2024

CSR = Corporate Social Responsibility - a formal name for the kind of volunteering that was a frequent feature of the 50+ Digital project before the COVID pandemic wrecked everything.

For the previous 10 years we had been hosting a stream of enthusiastic volunteers from city forms - mostly young, always very clever - sometimes individually, sometimes in small teams - and remarkably effective.

We have been lucky this month. Every Wednesday, we have had 2 or 3 brilliant volunteers from NHS Property Services - helping older people solve a digital problem, achieve a digital ambition, or learn something new - in addition to our regular and experienced long-term team.

Walter (a distinguished older man) is tapping cautiously on a laptop keyboard. Zhané (a much younger woman) looks on with a faint, supportive smile.
Walter & Zhané at Mildmay Community Centre - 20 March 2024

Rupert (young-ish man) is showing somthing on a smartphone to Patricia (a much older woman), who is laughing.
Patricia & Rupert at Mildmay Community Centre - 20 March 2024

In the photos - Charlie, Rupert and Zhané. Missing from the photos - Calum, Leo and Ola - but only because we didn't have a camera handy.